Sparrowood Academy Book One by Angel Lawson

A book review of the novel: Sparrowood Academy (Book 1)  

Theme: Strong Heroine, Alpha Males, Academy, Wealth, Bully 

Yes, another academy bully book full of teenagers, hazing, groupies, head girl/head boy vs the newcomers etc etc  bla bla bla.
Yes, it's pretty much on par with every other bully academy book. This one starts out on the streets with some kids suddenly being pressured to have to go to the academy undercover to find the rotten eggs in there otherwise they'll end up in juvie. Huh? Why? The author forgot to tell us what the street kids had done that was illegal enough to have them send to juvie. 
So yeah, with that non-existent threat over their heads of course they decide to go. Oh wait, I forgot to tell you about the missing sister. Oh wait, so did the author. We're just supposed to be concerned about her after she was mentioned for approx two sentences.
So once again, same plot: new people, threats, bad choices. Yawn. Oh, yeah, perhaps we'll like the new guys perhaps not. Oh wait, is this some drama ...oh, it only lasted a couple of sentences so I guess not.
Oh no, the climax to the book is about to happen after such a weak build up, I'm so not interested but then I blinked and it's over and oh, wait, was that it? Ok. 

Disappointing but wait, the author is trying to tease us into another book in the series but that's a big fat nope from me as I'd rather flush my money down the toilet than to sit thru another yawn inducing storyline.

The whole book, to be truly honest, feels like a first draft.  

Rating: 3 stars out of 5. 

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